Public Works


In 2009, CFA was contacted by City of Reno hydrology staff to assist in the design and implementation of a demonstration low impact development project at the McKinley Arts Center. The former McKinley Park School was constructed in 1910 and renovated in 1999 into the Arts and Culture Center. The project includes landscape design for a bio-retention system and a parking area with permeable concrete paving. Concrete swales convey roof run off to infiltration areas away from the foundations and basement walls of the historic building. Decorative cobbles at swale surfaces allow deposition of sediment that could interfere with the function of the bio-retention basins. Planting design takes into account the historic nature of the building while working with the specific challenges of low water use and possible inundation at the bio-retention basins. Landscape and irrigation improvements were coordinated with existing sprinklers and vegetation on site. 

The project included working with City of Reno Parks and Public Works staff and McKinley Arts Center personnel for compliance with construction standards and the needs of the art center. Public art opportunities were identified in the work area through the design process. The scope of the project included developing preliminary design concepts, a charrette workshop with the staff and preparation of construction drawings and bid documents. CFA provided fee services and pro-bono work for the project. The project was selected for the American Society of Civil Engineers, Truckee Meadows Branch, award for 2011 Outstanding Achievement in Civil Engineering.